Tuesday, April 2, 2019
Bacillary And Post Parturient Hemoglobinuria Biology Essay
Bacillary And Post parturient Hemoglobinuria Biology quizPost parturient haemoglobinuria is a sporadic malady of multiparous, advanced producing dairy cows and buffaloes characterized by inflammation blood cells breakdown in the muscles, haemoglobinuria and anemia. The prevalence of the disease in the overall kine macrocosm is very little with a case fatality rate ranging from 10 to 50% (1).Parturient hemoglobinuria was sourcely known as milk feverishness complex, post- parturient hemoglobinuria, puerperal hemoglobinuria and nutritional hemoglobinuria, etc.HistoryParturient hemoglobinuria was first account in 1939 in buffaloes in the Indian sub-continent in the Lyallpur district, now Faisalabad (Aslam and Haq, 1967). The first known reference of its occurrence and viable cause in Pakistan was by Hussain (1955). Subsequent reviews on the issue pep uped that match insufficiency may be a possible reason of the disease (Pirzada et al., 1989 Pirzada and Ali, 1990). However, s o far its true etiology remains doubtful.Etiology ensuant papers concluded that PPH is neither infectious nor contagious derived from negative serological and bacteriological verification for pathogenic bacteria and failure to identify erythrocyte parasites (1,6,7,8,9,10).Different causes, e.g. protein and mineral insufficiency, Saponin from cruciferous plants, competition for mineral assimilation and, hypophosphataemia because of daystar insufficiency. Pirzada et al. (1989) and Cheema et al. (1980) reported that no contributory pathogen could be secluded from the unnatural animals. Copper insufficiency has been recommended as a possible cause of PPH by personnel in New Zealand. animals from dairy farms with a high occurrence of PPH had low levels of sloven in serum and liver (12). A disease in Ontario named as red water was linked with several predisposing factors which included a) fresh parturition, b) sharp milk production, c) dietetic phosphorus insufficiency and d) eating of turnips, rape, kale, green alfalfa and sugar beet pulp (13,14,15). In addition, many cows were hypophosphataemia (1, 16, and 17). sensitive animalsA first round report recommended that parturient hemoglobinuria oft propagation affected high producing buffalo cows in the area of the Punjab responsibleness of Pakistan wherever there is a insufficiency of minerals, chiefly in the districts of Faisalabad, Jhelum, Attock and Rawalpindi. At these points soil tended to be deprived in minerals and buffaloes were affected more than cattle (Husain, 1955). The incidence of this syndrome in bulls, cows prior to parturation, heifers under two old age old, or beef cows is remarkable but has been reported (23,22). A disease with many similarities has been described in sheep (13), Egyptian and Indian buffaloes (24,16) and a goat (17).Clinical signsClinical signs of syndrome can bee seen 20+,-10 days, before or after parturition at what time affected Animals pass red to coffee colored urine and rectal temperature ranges from 38.38C to 39.48C, (Pirzada et al., 1989). On the other hand, with the advancement of disease, rectal temperature declines. Additional clinical signs are jaundice, anemia, recumbency, in appetence, labored breathing, and geometrical irregularity (Razz et al., 1988). Cheema et al. (1980) reported that there was a considerable increase in the rectal temperature of affected animals. The disease affects buffaloes more than cattle (Pirzada et al., 1989) which is a judgment in close agreement with that of Raz et al. (1988). Pirzada et al. (1989) additional observed that phosphorus administration yielded efficient outcome suggestive of hypophosphataemia as a causal issue and that, in the affected areas from August to January, animals in advanced stages of pregnancy should be supplemented with dicalcium phosphate or bone meal which should contain 13% and 17% phosphorus correspondingly (Amir and Kripsch- eer, 1989). This agreed with the findings of Akram et a l. (1990) and Raz et al. (1988). Earlier, Sadiq et al. (1965) found that even though cases of parturient hemoglobinuria occurred all the way through the year, the occurrence increased in winter. On the other hand, Cheema et al. (1980) reported that frequently stall-fed animals were affected, and that most cases were occurring in July and September. The needlelike disease (three to five days) can come to an end in stopping point or be followed by extended convalescence (two to eight weeks). abase and sloughing of the extremities are reported sequelae. Recovered animals get back their former body condition and milk production gradually.DiagnosisIt can On the basis of clinical signs and history Urinalysis can be laborsaving in the diagnosis of this syndrome. Microscopic inspection of the urine sediment is self-assertive to distinguish hematuria from hemoglobinuria.TreatmentThe recommended treatment for Post parturient hemoglobinuria in North America includes 1) intravenous infus ion of sodium sultry phosphate (60 g in 300 mL of water), 2) 100 g of bone meal administered as a drench two times a day, 3) transfusion of fresh blood as needed and 4) intravenous fluids to sustain hydration (1,29,30). Improvement of any phosphorus insufficiency or disproportion in the ration together with removal of incriminated feeds might prevent further cases. Because of inconsistent results with phosphate therapy and the copper-deficient status of affected cows, personnel in New Zealand recommend parenteral copper (120 mg available copper per cow) as the prospered treatment (31).A study on treatment trials of hemoglobinuria in buffalo cows and cattle indicated that subsequent treatment with sodium acrimoniousulous phosphate (20% sol) administered concurrently by i.v., s.c. and oral routes, approximately 100% of affected animals recovered in 1-3 days (Shah et al., 1988). Blood transfusion also shows a good result in this regard (Rauf, 1989 Raz et al., 1991). A blood coagu lant Botrophase prepared from the venom of the snake Bothrops jararaca, seems to have anti fibrinolytic exertion and was productively used to treat buffaloes facing parturient hemoglobinuria (Goel et al., 1988). parenteral copper (120 mg available copper per cow) as the favored treatment (31).Treatment with toldimfos sodium and tea leaves and sodium acid phosphate settlement of this treatment was based on the recovery of urine discoloration the dexterity of toldimfos sodium was 85% followed by tea leaves 56%, and sodium acid phosphate 18%. (Zameer et.al 2010). Fallowing treatment with tae leaves and toldimofos sodium urine was clear abutting day, and with treatment with sodium acid phosphate urine was clear on third dy. (Zameer et.al 2010)PreventionParenteral administration of copper has been effectual in dairy herds with previous histories of PPH (36,37). For prevention of the disease, supplementation with dicalcium phosphate has been suggested (Pirzada et al., 1989 Pirzada and Ali, 1990). The occurrence of PPH was comfortably lower (5.18% versus 25.51% P
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