Tuesday, February 19, 2019

State Requirements for Parenting Plans

State Requirements for Parenting Plans chirrup Schelling PA415-01 Family Law & Divorce Mediation Ka mastertrude University State Requirements for Parenting Plans chant Schelling Memo ToProf. H. FromCarol Schelling Date12/20/2011 Re atomic number 91 Parenting Plans Parenting Plans are very important. They discoverline the responsibilities of the parents and clarify what is in the best interest of the child. Pennsylvania does non ask a parenting plan according to 23 Pa. C. S. A. Section 5331.In Pennsylvania, it also depends on the county in which you live. For example In Washington County, Pennsylvania they require parenting plans for contested detainment cases. However, in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania they do not require parenting plans. My Day in chat up When I went to gain to a greater extent rights to my young woman, Christal I first filed a Modification with the Court of Common Pleas. The undercoat I had to do this was there was already an Order of the Court already in place. In Pennsylvania, you are required to go to a Parents constantly Seminar. This is a four hour seminar that teaches parents how to co-parent.When I was done, I had to provide the Court with the certification of my completion. If I did not complete this requirement, I would have been held in contempt. After I showed the Court that I completed the seminar, I accordingly had to go to custody conferences. They represent mediation. In the custody conferences, my ex-husband and I had to employment out a parenting plan. When we agreed to the context of the agreement, we both sure copies. After a couple of months, we then had to go to a custody conference and the conference officer reviewed the past months.When there was an issue, like when my ex-husband refused me misadventure with Christal, she would help us come up with an otherwise parenting plan that worked better. After our first custody conference, I was awarded an extra day (Friday-Monday) to put on my daughter to do ctor and dentist ap stayments. At the time, she weighed only 48lbs at the hop on of 8 After our second conference, I was awarded another day. This time my visitation was from Friday- Tuesdays. I would then take her to school and drop her off. I asked for this, since I could not make any(prenominal) of her appointments on Mondays.In June of 2007, we agreed to all other week. This worked out well, since it was years since I got to spend a week with her. I also, had all week to take my daughter to appointments. She was also composite in therapy, since I had quest that in our first custody conference. She was regressing to the point that we had to put her back in pull-ups and start the potty training all over. She was also on the Binky, (aka Pacifier), as well. In August, my ex had told the courts he would be out of state. Knowing this, the court allowed a telephone conference, so he could be present. He did not expect at the required time.I had told the conference officer that Christal had stated that he was at his home and that they should call him, which they did. When he answered, the conference officer had told him that this was not allowed and that he had lied to the courts. As a punishment, the every other week stood. I then requested for a hearing, since I did not want to lose this time that I got to spend with Christal. Her father was trying to take it back to an every other weekend. Our hearing occurred in February of 2008. At this hearing, I provided letters that my ex had written, school documents, and witness testimony.My exs mother and girlfriend would not testify. Our evaluator had told them that they were not asked. If they wanted to be a part of Christals life, they postulate to testify. Christal was also spoken to by the judge on camera (judges chambers). Since there were so many issues with my exs side, our case went for a continuance. On Mothers Day of the same year, we had our next hearing. In this hearing, my daughters therapist, e x-mother-in- faithfulness, ex-husbands girlfriend all testified. obligation before the end of our hearing, I had asked if I could rebut the first hearing. I had explained all the issues that I had encountered between the hearings.I was happy to find out that on my birthday, which is June 5, that I gained full-custody of my angel and that my ex cannot gain custody of her again. The courts took his every Wednesdays and his vacation during the summer away due to negligence. I lost my daughter in 2002, due to me not knowing what to expect going pro se and not having money. I gained her back due to my hard work and dedication to my daughters best interests and well-being. I included this in my memo, for the simple fact that not all cases are black and white. The law itself has a lot of gray areas.What one county requires, another does not. Same affaire goes with states. You cannot be ignorant about the law. Pennsylvania My state does not require parenting plans, but they are implemente d within the court process when file for custody, modification of an order, and contempt of court order as expressed in my own case stated above. natural Hampshire To file for parental rights or to modify an order, such as a divorce, legal separation, or parenting petition, you moldiness include a parenting plan. In Rules of the Circuit Court of the State of cutting Hampshire-Family Division, Section2-Domestic Relations, 2. 8 Parenting Plans shows you what is required within your parenting plan, and the order of the contents. My Thoughts I like how New Hampshire requires the parenting plan, because it saves money and court time as well. References Child Custody Act, 23 Pa. C. S. A 5331 NH Court Rules, Rules of the Family Division of the State of NH, Section 2-Domestic Relations, Rule 2. 18 Bertin, M. (February 8, 2011). New Child Custody Act Ushers in Sweeping Changes. Obermayer Rebmann maxwell & Hippel LLP Attorneys At Law Retrieved on December 15, 2011 from www. obermayer. com/ publications. php? action=views&id=200

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